Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Rafting Adventure!

As every summer me and my family plans to go away for vaccations, this summer we were going rafting. I was very excited with a mixed feeling of fear since i didnt know much about rafting..
Anyways, days passed and finally the day came when we were all packing to leave for our summer trip.
When we got to the river... it was a complete breathtaking site. The water had the bluest colour that i had ever seen and the sound so refreshing to the ears. I completely forgot about my fears and was just in love with the beautiful view of the river and the sun giving us all the warmth just made it a perfect summer day!!
This whole site didnt just attract me but my siblings and we all went to take a dip which made it more refreshing for us before we ate our lunch.
Rafting turned out to be alot more fun than i thought because my dad and my brother had quite some knowledge about the sport!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Being mommy

Oh it was after mid night ... Lights dimmed but switched on. I must refregerate the biryani since Shaherbano likes it and oh before I forget I must make an egg for abbas. Asma likes the fruit chat so I better prepare it before she wakes up for pre-fast meal, the 'sehri'.
I love my kids since they happen to be the most loving and full family I have ever had. Since I have had a broken home, somehow I always wanted to cherish the moments filled with laughter from every nook or corner, joys and cheers surrounding every individual ... My dream!
The dream has come true. My dream is infront of me cherishing and prospering!
A female is a woman in the form of a sister, a daughter, a mother.
As I was thinking about all these relations which a woman makes here, I was simultaneously making tea for my husband. And I realized that most of my time had been consumed with my thoughts. I hurried to Shaherbano's room to wake her up as she takes the longest in waking up!
And there she was fast asleep, I quickly rolled her comforter to wake her up... ''mom please I know its sehri time I am waking up please just give me two more minutes''.. ''but its already so late two more minutes and then how will u finish eating so quickly'' I screamed at her being frustrated of telling her to get out of the bed! Shaherbano got out of the bed half asleep to the table. With her eyes half closed she managed to get the plate from my hand but didnt start eating until i gave her another warning.. ''Shaherbano for God's sake eat something only 15 minutes are left now'' .. ''Yes mom'' she replies tiredly and started to eat in a slow motion.
I thanked God that everyone ate in time specially Shaherbano! As I was thinking, Shaherbano came to me ''mom I am sorry I was so sleepy I didnt realize I misbehaved with you.'' ''Its okay love but please try to wake up in time'', I replied as she hugged and kissed me and went off to bed. And I started to clean the table being satisfied and happy with my family!